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Titre: Manifestations of critical thinking in health and physical education teachers: an examination of three case studies
Autre titres: Les manifestations de la pensée critique déployée par des enseignants d’éducation physique et à la santé : Un examen de trois études de cas.
Auteurs: Kpazaï, Georges
Daniel, Marie-France
Kossivi, Attiklémé
Date publié: 1-jan-2011
Citation: PHENex Journal / Revue phénEPS Vol. 3, no.2 (2011)
Abstrait: This study investigated the critical thinking manifestations of three Health and Physical Education (HPE) Teachers during the teaching/learning process in three elementary school HPE classes. Based on the conceptual framework of critical thinking developed by Lipman (1991, 1995, 2006), the present study describes and interprets the elements of this form of thinking in Physical Education Teachers. The results of the present study indicate that although critical thinking is not manifested in the same manner in all three teachers, it does however appear as a problem-solving process with the objective of optimizing students’ learning.
Apparaît dans les collections:Georges Kpazaï - Articles

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