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Titre: A climate positive future: adapting and recovering the Dominion Wheel and Foundry Complex in Toronto through climate positive design
Auteurs: Gomirato, Erica
Mots clés: Climate positive;adaptive reuse;sustainability;heritage buildings
Date publié: 7-avr-2022
Abstrait: The impending climate crisis is becoming increasingly concerning. Architecture and the building industry play a large role. More than ever, it is an architect’s responsibility to create sustainable designs in order to mitigate climate change. This calls into question what is considered sustainable. The discourse on sustainability is ongoing and this thesis attempts to expand on these arguments. Sustainable architecture addressed in this thesis deals with the adaptation of existing buildings to reduce a city’s environmental impact. This thesis supports the argument that buildings cannot be sustainable on their own; the entire process and context need to be considered, which means adapting existing buildings and ensuring the potential for further adaptation to changing social and climatic conditions. Architects must work towards climate positive designs to have a significant impact on the climate crisis. This thesis project demonstrates how climate positive design can be achieved through sustainable adaptive reuse. This project proposes to adapt the Dominion Foundry heritage complex in Toronto into a climate positive community hub. Through sustainable architectural and urban design, the project will serve as a model to demonstrate and educate the citizens of Toronto and beyond on sustainable practices and advocate for a safer and healthier future.
Apparaît dans les collections:Architecture - Master's Theses

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