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Titre: Comparing nurse performance between an infusion pump medical device on differing mediums    
Auteurs: Doan, Amy
Mots clés: Human-computer interaction;user interface design;medical devices;nursing;infusion pump;cognitive load
Date publié: 31-jui-2019
Abstrait: Medical devices are pervasive in all healthcare environments and the means in which healthcare professionals interact with medical device user interfaces is of interest to the researcher. In this research study, an intravenous infusion pump model used most frequently in the researcher’s local environment was observed against a sample of the local nursing population. This research study aimed to determine the suitability of established user interface evaluations and analytical modelling laws to predict nurse performance when interacting with the selected medical device user interface. This research study also aimed to observe and compare any changes in performance times and reported cognitive loads for the same user interface of a selected medical device on two different mediums; the actual medical device and a simulated user interface mock-up on a handheld tablet device. This research study concluded that the differences in performance task times and reported cognitive load between both mediums was minor and not statistically significant. When evaluating the estimated performance task times generated through usability evaluations and analytical modelling laws, this research study concluded that although the estimated times were similar to the performance time averages of the whole sample, these estimates are not reliable to predict individual expected task times. Additionally, this research study highlighted how additional factors such as performing safety checks, and the user’s individual duration to complete these safety checks influences the time required to complete a task.
Apparaît dans les collections:Computational Sciences - Master's theses
Master's Theses

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