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Titre: “A place where kids like me can be ourselves”: Exploring the meaning of summer camp with adolescents with neurobiological disorders
Auteurs: Simpson, Jenna
Mots clés: Neurobiological Disorder;Autism Spectrum Disorder;summer camp;photovoice;recreation
Date publié: 23-avr-2019
Abstrait: Recreational opportunities are valuable opportunities for physical, social, and emotional development. Summer camp provides youth with the chance to be outside among their peers and learn through play. Unfortunately, social, physical, and institutional barriers often result in the exclusion of high-needs individuals with neurobiological disorders from these camp opportunities and experiences. This research used a qualitative photovoice methodology in order to explore what summer camp means to adolescents with neurobiological disorders. Teens aged 14-17 at Camp Neuro, a sleepaway summer camp in Ontario, were invited to take photographs of things that were meaningful to them (n=23) followed by an individual interview to contextualise the photographs (n=13). Results suggest that the physical, social, and emotional camp environments are important to youth with neurobiological disorders. Additionally, the opportunity to learn at summer camp was a recurring theme as teens discussed learning skills, learning to make friends, and learning broad life lessons. Overall, the results suggest that youth with neurobiological are successful at summer camp and value their experiences when they are provided with appropriate accommodations and support. Ultimately, the participants expressed that Camp Neuro supported them to ha to be themselves, try new things, and make friends.
Apparaît dans les collections:Interdisciplinary Health / Santé interdisciplinaire - Master's Theses
Master's Theses

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