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Titre: Urban First Nations men create a ribbon shirt
Auteurs: Nahwegahbow, Angela
Mots clés: Phenomenology;First Nations;metis;men;photovoice;ribbon shirt
Date publié: 3-nov-2018
Abstrait: This thesis examines the experiences of three men, two First Nations and one Metis who participated in the creation of a Ribbon Shirt at the Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre (SKHC) in Sudbury, Ontario. This research demonstrated how specific programming can nurture a connection to traditional ways in urban First Nations and Metis men and promote an embracing of First Nations identities. This study utilized both Phenomenology and elements of Photovoice research methodologies to gather participant narratives, this highlighted the lack of services specifically for men and the benefits of focused programing that included cultural teachings.
Apparaît dans les collections:Social Work - Master's Major Papers

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