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Titre: Treating at-risk adolescent mothers and their children: family therapy delivered from the theraplay® model
Auteurs: Long, Melissa
Mots clés: adolescent mothers;children;treatment;therapy;family;Theraplay® Model
Date publié: 15-avr-2018
Abstrait: This advanced practicum project describes a pilot project for teen mothers and their preschool children, developed from the principles of Theraplay®, a play-based, attachment-focused intervention. Specifically, the objective of this project was to explore the applicability and value of using this type of intervention among adolescent mothers in a limited service region in Sudbury, Ontario. My experience showed that using the Theraplay model was useful in improving the relationship between adolescent mothers and their children by promoting positive interactions. The findings indicate play-based interventions have value with this at-risk population.
Apparaît dans les collections:Social Work - Master's Major Papers

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