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Titre: Ecological engineering tests of concepts and assumptions on Levack / proposed by M. Kalin for discussion with INCO Ltd
Auteurs: Kalin, Margarete A.
Mots clés: ecological engineering;tailings reclamation;vegetation covers;acid-generating tailings areas;Reactive Acid Tailings Study (RATS) Program;INCO-Levack study
Date publié: 10-mai-1985
Numéro de rapport/série: Boojum Technical Reports;AR001
Abstrait: The proposed approach, i.e. ecological engineering, involves the development of economical methods which result in a self-maintaining long-term and stable vegetation cover, that will reduce infiltration of air and water to the tailings, and hence, may curtail acid generation. Ecological engineering is based on the observation that certain plants invade and grow in terrestrial (dry) and aquatic (submerged) areas of tailings sites, if given sufficient time and the appropriate conditions.
Apparaît dans les collections:Boojum Technical Reports

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