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Titre: Buchans ecological engineering treatment assessment : long-term performance evaluation and site visit report (2009)
Auteurs: Kalin, Margarete A.
Mots clés: decommissioning;Buchans Waste Management area;polishing pond system;Hospital tailings spill area;PHITO;Phosphate Heterotroph Inhibition of Tailings-Oxidation
Date publié: oct-2009
Numéro de rapport/série: Boojum Technical Reports;AB073
Abstrait: The decommissioning effort of the Buchans Waste Management area was carried out by Boojum Research Ltd for ASARCO between 1988 and 1998. A biological polishing pond system was installed treating combined effluents from Orientals, Valley Seeps and Drainage Tunnel. Work in the Hospital tailings spill area addressed the distribution of the metals to a depth of 0.5m and defined the contaminant loading to the Turnpike and the Buchans River. Based on these data a fresh water diversion ditch was constructed and test plots were set up to generate a hardpan below ground, where iron and metals precipitated with phosphate sand and a cover was provided for vegetation to prevent erosion. The test results were very positive and the PHITO (Phosphate Heterotroph Inhibition of Tailings-Oxidation) was implemented prior to the death of G. Neary. Boojum Research Ltd is a research company, developing sustainable decommissioning technology based on Ecological Engineering principles.
Description: The decommissioning effort of the Buchans Waste Management area was carried out by Boojum Research Ltd for ASARCO between 1988 and 1998.
Apparaît dans les collections:Boojum Technical Reports

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