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Titre: Cross-phyla investigation into the effects of applied weak-intensity electromagnetic fields
Auteurs: Burke, Ryan C.
Mots clés: harvester ant;orb-weaving spider;planarian;electromagnetic fields;behaviour
Date publié: 15-oct-2014
Éditeur: Laurentian University of Sudbury
Abstrait: This series of studies investigated the effects of applied, low-intensity electromagnetic fields on the behaviour of several species. To cover a range of species; the eusocial harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex sp.), solitary orb-weaving spiders, and aquatic planarian (Dugesia tigrina) were examined for behavioural consequences associated with applied electromagnetic fields. An additional component examined these effects on various volumes of water. In all species examined, significant behavioural consequences were observed. Intensities of the used fields ranged from nanotesla to millitesla, and their patterns included a fixed-pattern 60 Hz field, and a more complex-patterned field. A separate component also analyzed the effects of light and polarity, where additional effects were evident. For the experiments with the harvester ants, significant changes in tunneling behavior were observed; for the spiders, significant changes in the structure of the web were observed; for the planarian, significant effects on t-maze arm selection occurred; and for water, significant changes in pH were detected.
Apparaît dans les collections:Biology - Master's Theses
Master's Theses

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