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Titre: Pulsed electron deposition and characterization of nanocrystalline diamond thin films
Auteurs: Alshekhli, Omar
Mots clés: Nanocrystalline diamond;pulsed electron beam ablation;HOPG;Thin film deposition,
Date publié: 7-oct-2013
Éditeur: Laurentian University of Sudbury
Abstrait: Diamond is widely known for its extraordinary properties, such as high hardness, thermal conductivity, electron mobility, energy bandgap and durability making it a very attractive material for many applications. Synthetic diamonds retain most of the attractive properties of natural diamond. Among the types of synthetic diamonds, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) is being developed for electrical, tribological, optical, and biomedical applications. In this research work, NCD films were grown by the pulsed electron beam ablation (PEBA) method at different process conditions such as accelerating voltage, pulse repetition rate, substrate material and temperature. PEBA is a relatively novel deposition technique, which has been developed to provide researchers with a new means of producing films of equal or better quality than more conventional methods such as Pulsed Laser Deposition, Sputtering, and Cathodic Vacuum Arc. The deposition process parameters have been defined by estimating the temperature and pressure of the plasma particles upon impact with the substrates, and comparing the data with the carbon phase diagram. Film thickness was measured by visible reflectance spectroscopy technique and was in the range of 40 – 230 nm. The nature of chemical bonding, namely, the ratio (sp3/sp3+sp2) and nanocrystallinity percentage were estimated using visible Raman spectroscopy technique. The films prepared from the ablation of a highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) target on different substrates consisted mainly of nanocrystalline diamond material in association with a diamond-like carbon phase. The micro-structural properties and surface morphology of the films were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties of the NCD films were evaluated by nano-indentation.
Apparaît dans les collections:Doctoral Theses
Natural Resources Engineering - Doctoral theses

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