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Titre: Relationship building: A best practice model for Aboriginal Women's Health Research
Auteurs: Manitowabi, Susan
Gauthier-Frohlick, Denise
Date publié: 3-déc-2012
Abstrait: This article explores the partnership between Aboriginal women researchers (associated with the AKRN) and Aboriginal women healers versed in holistic and culturally appropriate healing techniques. The development of this partnership will be highlighted to demonstrate a respectful research process that utilizes best practice such as identified within the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) – Guidelines for Research with Aboriginal Peoples. The primary goal of the AKRN is to provide up to date and relevant research that focuses on Aboriginal women’s health as well as to build research capacity and knowledge transfer.
ISSN: 1206-5323
Apparaît dans les collections:Volume 8, August 2012: Indigenous Social Work Practices and Theories

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