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Title: Toronto laneway housing: neighbourhood densification strategies
Authors: Guo, Yuting
Keywords: Laneway housing;Toronto housing;zoning by-law;yellow belt;missing middle
Issue Date: 9-Apr-2022
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst to bring the unaffordable housing issue in Toronto to the foreground. However, this crisis has been developing for several decades, and it is caused by many factors. One of the critical factors is the zoning by-law that is restricting density and maintains the Yellow Belt in Toronto. This restriction has created a Missing Middle housing issue that requires a multi-faceted solution to provide Torontonians with affordable housing. However, in the laneways of Toronto, some housing density can be added to the existing housing fabric, and that is the Laneway House. This thesis is focused on providing housing density to existing laneways within the city, and proposes several improvements on the current zoning by-law for laneway suites implemented by the City of Toronto in 2018. The thesis argues that the existing regulations are deterring homeowners from building laneway suites. With more flexible zoning by-laws and incentivizing homeowners, more laneway suites can be constructed to increase the housing density in Toronto and contribute positively to housing affordability.
Appears in Collections:Architecture - Master's Theses

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