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Titre: "A formative evaluation of the Customary Care Program: Native Child and Family Services of Toronto"
Auteurs: Menzies, Peter
van de Sande, Adje
Date publié: déc-2003
Éditeur: School of Native Human Services
Citation: Menzies, Peter and van de Sande, Adje, 2003. "A formative evaluation of the Customary Care Program: Native Child and Family Services of Toronto". NSWJ-V4, p. 30-50.
Abstrait: Across Canada, the percentage of First Nations children in care of child welfare authorities is estimated to be six times that of the general population (Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Volume 3: Gathering Strength, 1996). Research into the impact of removing children from their homes due to child welfare issues has contributed to our understanding of the significant negative consequences on both the child and family (Bowlby, 1982; Johnson, 1983; Olsen, 1982). Further studies into the impact of government policies on Native people have clearly demonstrated that Native children face additional trauma; not only is the child removed from their home, they are removed from their community and culture (Andres, 1981; Bagley, 1985; Hudson, 1981; Johnston, 1983; Richard, 1989).
ISSN: 1206-5323
Apparaît dans les collections:Volume 4, December 2003: Aboriginal Children & Youth, Issues & Challenges

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