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Titre: Comparison of sibling relationships in families of children with autism spectrum disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Auteurs: Hughes, Tara
Mots clés: autism;families;relationships;Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Date publié: 16-jui-2015
Éditeur: Laurentian University of Sudbury
Abstrait: Employing a mixed methods approach, the purpose of this present study was to examine the lived experiences of siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Participants participated in semi-structured interviews and completed two questionnaires. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyze interview transcripts and five main themes were identified: Positive Transformational Outcomes, Sibling Demands, Caregiving Roles, Awareness of Developmental Disabilities, and Supports. Questionnaire data from the Sibling Daily Hassles and Uplifts Scale and the Sibling Inventory of Behaviour Scale were also utilized and comparison findings between sibling groups from these questionnaires will be analyzed and discussed.
Apparaît dans les collections:Psychology / Psychologie - Undergraduate Theses
Undergraduate Theses

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