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Titre: Examining factors in presenteeism and absenteeism: physical activity rates and mental health related predictors of productivity loss in a mining population
Auteurs: Nesbitt, William
Mots clés: Absenteeism;presenteeism,;mental health,;physical health,;work productivity,;mining industry,;physical activity,;occupational health psychology
Date publié: 14-oct-2022
Abstrait: Canadian companies are estimated to lose $16 billion in work productivity per year from workers calling in sick due to mental health issues (Mercer, 2018). Impacts in work productivity are commonly reflected in rates of absenteeism and presenteeism. This study uses data gathered on the Mining Mental Health Study to evaluate this issue in a Northern Ontario Mining Population by identifying predictors of mental health-related and physical health-related productivity loss. Previously receiving mental health treatments or taking mental health medication were the leading causes of mental health-related work productivity loss, while a physical disease diagnosis was the leading cause of physical health-related work productivity loss. Depression symptom severity was significant in predicting instances of both absenteeism and presenteeism. Interventions in this population should focus on providing resources to lower depression symptom severity and be peerbased, as to help overcome any existing mental health stigma in this male dominated industry (Sayers et al., 2019).
Apparaît dans les collections:Human Kinetics - Master's Theses

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