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Title: Exploring the harm reduction approach
Authors: Richer, Megan E.J.
Keywords: Advanced Practicum at the Outpatient Addictions and Gambling Services (OAGS);Health Sciences North;cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Issue Date: 5-Sep-2019
Abstract: This Advanced Practicum Thesis paper examined the experience of my Advanced Practicum at the Outpatient Addictions and Gambling Services (OAGS) program at Health Sciences North. It focused on my learning goals which were to gain more knowledge and experience with the harm reduction approach for problematic substance use; to develop an understanding and skills for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); and to gain clinical skills for social work practice through receiving clinical supervision. I described how each learning goal was met through different strategies such as shadowing intake assessments and group programming, co-facilitating group programming, individually conducting intake assessments and case management, conducting research on each learning goal, taking relevant training, journal writing, and receiving clinical supervision. It concluded with implications for social work practice.
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Master's Major Papers

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