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Titre: Innovative technology and change management: E-health applications in Canada.
Auteurs: Razmak, Jamil
Mots clés: Innovative technology;E-health applications;Electronic Medical Records;Personal Health Records;Change management
Date publié: 13-mai-2016
Abstrait: Background Focusing on the Canadian healthcare system, this study explores factors influencing the adoption of recent specialized technology in e-health applications due to concerns about the allocation of economic resources and governmental policy formulation. This study focuses on the specific technologies of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR)-based-Personal Health Record (PHR) and their use by physicians and residents of Northern Ontario. Objectives The primary objective of this study is to understand the interdisciplinary factors that predict Northern residents’ attitude toward EMR-based-PHR innovative technology. Conducting this study also serves to increase awareness of patient-driven e-health in Northern Ontario and provides decision makers with useful quantitative data and strategies to support future initiatives. Methods/Materials Using customized data obtained from the National Physician Survey (NPS) in Canada and primary data collected through an adaptation of this survey, a comparative analysis was conducted to understand the electronic patient-physician relationship and explore interdisciplinary factors regarding perception and use of EMR-based-PHR. The data was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Z Test for two Population Proportions, ANOVA and Regression Analysis. Results The results indicate significant differences between Northern physicians and patients in usage and preference regarding several technological applications. More Northern patients use websites, social media and mobile applications than Northern physicians. In capturing health information, fewer physicians exclusively prefer to use electronic records than use a combination of paper charts and electronic records, and most Northern patients prefer either a combination of both methods or exclusively paper charts in their healthcare. Interdisciplinary factors related to EMR-based-PHR were significant predictors and explained 69.6% of the variance in the behavioral attitude and 74.5% of the variance in the behavioral intention to adopt this innovative technology. Conclusions. Establishing an electronic patient-physician relationship in the Canadian healthcare system requires coordinated and concerted efforts from all stakeholders involved in this process. Significant cost without benefits is evidence of a misallocation of Canadian resources and requires increased attention. New strategies must address current gaps in educational, technical, managerial, and financial supports. Physician support, however, is ultimately the key to increasing the adoption rate of EMR and fostering positive attitudes toward PHR among the Canadian people.
Apparaît dans les collections:Doctoral Theses
Human Studies and Interdisiplinarity - Doctoral Theses

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